Youtube Social Listening API - Scrape videos using keywords and hashtags with advanced filters

2 May 2024
Francesco Cognolato

In the digital age, understanding audience sentiment and preferences is crucial for businesses. Social listening, the practice of monitoring online conversations, provides invaluable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and brand perception.

EnsembleData, a social media data scraping provider, offers several Youtube Social listening APIs, therefore it’s crucial to understand its capabilities to leverage its full potential. Dive into our YouTube Social Listening Scraping API, a game-changer in the landscape of market research and audience analysis. ‍

EnsembleData offers two Youtube APIs for social listening:

  • Keyword Search API: Look up videos related to the keyword with advanced filters (upload date and sort by).

  • Hashtag Search API: Look up videos / Shorts containing a hashtag in the video caption.

Youtube Search Keyword API

Our Youtube API returns results in real-time from Check the documentation here.

youtube keyword search page
Youtube keyword search UI with filters

The default behavior of our API is to return results with the time filter overall and sort by relevance.

Other options for these filters are listed below:

Time filters (video upload time):

  • Last hour
  • Today
  • This week
  • This month
  • This year
  • Overall

Sorting filters:

  • Relevance
  • Upload Date
  • View count
  • Rating

Another use case for scraping the Youtube Search Keyword API would be for fetching videos from the Youtube featured categories.

In this case, no advanced filters can be used because Youtube does not offer the possibility to filter the videos shown in the featured categories.

Youtube search keyword featured categories
Youtube search keyword featured categories

For searching a keyword on Youtube using a specific featured category, the cursor of the chosen featured category has to be fetched here and then inputted as start_cursor in the Youtube search keyword API.

Youtube Search Hashtag API

Our Youtube API returns results in real-time from Check the documentation here.

Youtube search hashtag UI
Youtube search hashtag UI

Our Youtube Hashtags Search API allows you to fetch:

  • Videos and shorts
  • Only shorts


EnsembleData’s YouTube Social Listening Scraping API offers a powerful suite of tools for extracting valuable insights from YouTube’s vast content ecosystem. Whether tracking trending topics, analyzing audience sentiment, or monitoring competitor performance, these APIs provide businesses and content creators with the data-driven intelligence needed to make informed decisions and drive success in the digital age. With advanced filtering options, real-time results, and support for featured categories, EnsembleData empowers users to unlock the full potential of social listening on YouTube and stay ahead in an ever-evolving online landscape.